Devlog 11: Release the Kraken - We mean Wizards

This is it - Tower Trouble's final(?) form. Have a trailer:


The art team has been working on polishing the finer details of the visuals. Added some small new effects like birds flying away in the background on first hit and spiced up the background imagery.

Here is a full game of tower trouble to give you some idea of the art.

And finally here is the full Tech Art doc for you to read up on


For the last push we made sure that all the known errors/bugs are out of the game so that nothing too magical happens in the game.

The issue where you can jump to the other side when holding the jump button after jumping is now fixed, and that is now not possible anymore, you need to repress the button to initiate the jump charge

The issue where you could spam forcefield to defend the boulders is a cool idea but a bit overpowered so you'll now have to wait until the forcefield is fully gone after being spawned again.

Fixed collisions on the player for the boulders.

Also removed fake throwing so that you're not able to throw and immediatly pick the boulder up so that it's not creating an extra difficulty on defending. 


The sound sourcerer here, for a final wrap up on the audio side of Tower Trouble.

There was an issue with some of the sounds cutting out that has been resolved - thankfully. Some oneshot sounds weren't being terminated in their graph, which kept the voices active and killed new ones being spawned. The music now has dedicated blueprint that the main menu calls on when the play button is pressed, fixing the issue where navigating to the controls screen would prevent music from starting.

Further, I've added a small sound for any of the menu animations swiping in and out, as well as some more elements in the ambience. There are two new static layers and I've added some bird calls that play randomly as well.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how everything's turned out.
This was a short one, but there's not too much to say anymore. We're very excited for people to get their hands on the game and have a magical time.

Files 442 MB
May 28, 2024

Get Tower Trouble

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